Mask By Type
Available for: Single or Multiple Files

Mask allows you to open a window displaying the files in the current folder that have the same extensions as the files you selected. This window has many of the features of a standard folder window, plus a few others.

When the window appears, the extensions of the selected files will be shown in the toolbar's Mask field. You can change the mask to *.* to view all the files in the current folder, or to something different to view another type of file and hide the rest. Folders are shown by default, but can be hidden by choosing View/Show Folders. Double-clicking a file icon in Mask does exactly the same as double-clicking it in a normal folder window. You can right-click files to access their usual Windows context menu (including, of course, their ShellToys XP menu).

See also:

  • About Masks
  • Drag & Drop
  • Menus